Tuesday, 2 March 2010

My room is a freezer

This is me right now... 

Monday, 1 March 2010

Today in the life of me!

Today at work was horrific, i'm getting trained up for the phones in a well known UK bank and have spent the last few weeks at work in a classroom learning things I will never remember! So yeah Work = Boring I think that is pretty much all you need to know about that. Went to the gym after work and totally made a dick of myself, they give you a little key thing programmed with all the exercises you should do that day but for some reason they have put quite a few weight machines on mine, however they don't call them simple things like ... leg press or whatever... no I got one called Low Prs Ex, thats literally what popped up on my little machine that says where to go next... i wandered for a while looking like a loser before giving up and over riding the thing by going on the treadmill, Haaaa little stupid machine.. HA!! 

So this weeked I became a slave to two things 

On friday night I brought a massive pack of 36 wonderful little jaffa cakes. My logic was that they can be quite sickly so I wouldn't gorge myself on them too much. This was a mistake. It turns out that when i am bored i can sit and eat 12, yes 12 one after the other, I didn't even feel sick. So i managed to eat a pile this big from friday.... though it did only cost me £1.20 haaa!!

I also have just eaten a massive plate of this and it was DE - LISH but now im gonna have to go exercise again tomorrow. DARN! 

In better news Im watching glee and i love it! It really makes me want to go back to school and start some sort of glee club, though i can't sing i think i could bop around in the background! Jane lynch is one of my favourite actresses ever, she makes me laugh so much!! 

"I can't stand the sight of kids getting emotional, unless it's from physical exhaustion."

Peace and Love 

Nat xx