Saturday, 12 May 2012

Free Pizza? Hells yes!


So you know that feeling when you have been out drinking and all you want to do now is collapse, make the room stop spinning and eat pizza? 

Well that's what we are going to be talking about today! When I was at college, on a Saturday night it was fairly standard to find me and a group of my finest friends in a club in Middlesbrough known as the Empire. Just as a quick sidenote I am yet to find a club anywhere with the charm this place has, its an old theater so is super quirky. The main problems are just how damn hot it gets and the layer of sweat that tends to collect on just about every wall in the place. 
See that hand? Well that's me. 
God this beginning part was only meant to be tiny and now its dragged on a bit. ANYWAY the point I was trying to make is that on arrival back to my friend Ellies house (we always stayed there because it was so close) for some insane reason we would always try to find a pizza shop to deliver us food. This was at about 2:30 which doesn't seem that late, but hey the logical 24 hour drinking law wasn't in yet. Point being we used to go to pretty big lengths to get a slice of melty cheesy goodness after a night of dancing. 

Om Nom Nom
So me and Ellie both ended up going to the same city for university... 

During one of our first few weeks there we decided to go for a night out, her university was kind enough to provide a night bus that would take you right into the heart of the city for free. (and they wonder why freshers don't show up to lectures). 

Excuse me for one second I just need to make my way over to myspace to find a photo from that long ago... 

I don't feel like dancing in My Photos by Natalie Furlong
Anyway I decided to crash on Ellies floor that night to save money on a taxi and as we got into her halls, guys... guess what we could smell... We had no more money so couldn't afford to buy food and some beautiful thing was happening. The God of pizza was delivering us a gift... 
We both were quite drunk so obviously had zero inhibitions about going to find whoever was eating this delicious late night snack to try and beg a slice. After just a few minutes we had located the correct floor and made our way to the kitchen, we knocked on the door and slowly opened it... 
Upon entering the kitchen we quickly realised that there was no one there, however the smell of pizza was strong in the air... Someone came into the kitchen following us and we explained we had come in search of food. She said "Of course you can have some!" 

She pointed to the kitchen worktop behind her... 

Not the actual pizza but you get the point.
It was burnt black, BLACK. We all had a good laugh about. You probably think we just left at this point. No... We took the pizza CRACKED it in half and ate any part that was remotely bite-able. I'm also 99% sure that whilst this was happening Ellie told me that carcinogens in burnt food cause cancer...

It was at this point we decided to leave the crust. Mainly because teeth were useless against its defenses! We then decided the most fun thing to do with said crusts would be to throw them against the bedroom wall and see how far back they would bounce. This caused much drunken laughter.

(I then had to sleep on the crumbs)

Ahh to be young, drunk and stupid again... 

This has just reminded me of another pizza related story
Coming Soon to a blog near you: pizza ended up face down on the floor whilst someone attempted to smoke a chip. 

Gosh this one has been long. I'm almost sure this blog will take me over 2000 page views (I'm currently on 1997) which is frigging amazing to me. Thanks to every single one of you who take the time to click and read this I hope it brings a smile to your face because I usually end up smiling as I write them. 
Should you feel like leaving a comment on here all you need to do is click the part directly under the post it will say a number and then comments (usually 0 comments) haha if you click that then it opens up the box that lets you leave me a little note! 

Love you (SO MUCH)

Love, me

Twittah: @nataliefurlong


  1. You obviously didn't take advantage of the pizza party laid on for freshers the first night! Silly silly! You lose. P.s. I love reading these stories. Love Caz xx

  2. Excuse me but I so did! How long do you think a slice of pizza lasts!?
