Guys! where have you been? Oh wait it's me that hasn't updated this for a while.
Well i'm back, for now at least! Since we last spoke I have been on holiday to Barcelona and it was amazing. I'm not here to talk about that today though.
Well i'm back, for now at least! Since we last spoke I have been on holiday to Barcelona and it was amazing. I'm not here to talk about that today though.
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Best Accidental Selfie Award goes to... Me! |
Last week I stumbled across the new Lily Allen song whilst I was in a Youtube loop at a random hour after midnight when I should have been sleeping. Anyway, the only indication i had that she was making music again was the newly released John Lewis advert.
The Bear and the Hare
I know Dawson, I know.
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I'll be honest and say I didn't even realise it was Lily Allen singing until my Mum pointed it out. So I was perusing the internet and came across her new song, I hadn't really heard anything about it at this point and I always loved Lily's music so I thought i'd check it out... Should I start the slow clap now or?
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Here's where I get on my soap box a little bit and say Thank GOD someone has finally stood out in the public arena and done something to show up how utterly ridiculous, repulsive and offensive the song Blurred Lines (among others) actually is. Put anything to a catchy beat and people will buy it... apparently.
Two prime examples of why I hate the song Blurred Lines.
I love this song, the lyrics are intelligent and funny. It makes the point perfectly. There is currently a bit of controversy around the song and the use of black dancers. I can't possibly see how anyone could find the video racist, Its satirical. Surely it would have been more racist had she selected a group of white dancers merely to avoid the worry of people playing the race card? I'm almost there was no possible way for her to win with the video and to deny its controversy entirely would be an omission of what she has attempted to do. But I'm not going to rant on about that, Not now anyway.
Other than that I have mainly just been working! Went to see Lucy Spraggan last week which was awesome. I have my birthday coming up next month and me and my bestie are heading up to Newcastle on the day of my actual birthday to see one of my favorite ever bands Shed Seven which should be amazing.
Two prime examples of why I hate the song Blurred Lines.
"Talk about getting blasted
I hate these blurred lines
I know you want it"
'Yeah, I had a bitch, but she ain't bad as you
So hit me up when you pass through
I'll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two
Swag on, even when you dress casual
I mean it's almost unbearable'
So hit me up when you pass through
I'll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two
Swag on, even when you dress casual
I mean it's almost unbearable'
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Like, Ew. That is just gross! Do we really think it is alright to promote songs that are so blatantly giving out a message that 'blurred lines' even exist?
i'm not someone who goes around climbing on my feminist soap box very often, I am undoubtedly a feminist though, and it is worrying to me that messages like this are so accessible to the younger generation. One of the most worrying things to me is that it seems the majority of people think, it's no big deal, its just a catchy song. Do you really think that these messages don't filter down? (I wrote that line with an early years Carrie Bradshaw voice in my head, just saying) Surely the fact this kind of message is being masked in popular chart songs is actually quite terrifying?
So back to Lily! She has brought out what I can only describe as the antithesis of Blurred Lines.
Check it out here:
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I will end this ranty section with this picture to lighten the mood.
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I would also just like to mention how fast the past two months have been compared to the rest of the year. I'm fairly sure July and August combined were around 8 months of the year and October and November equate to about 4 days.
Things are good, life is good. I hope you are all fine and dandy. Now i'm off to have a glass of wine and watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Love you!
Love, me.
Tweet me: @nataliefurlong
Instagram: natfurlong
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