Saturday, 9 March 2013

Raisin Face

Consider this a Saturday night blogfession.

The only skincare regime I do is occasionally before bed I will use a make up wipe to remove the eyeliner that I've probably smudged all over my face. Literally that is it, apparently I missed the memo that says I should probably be doing more than that if I don't want to look like a raisin by the time i'm 35. 

I mentioned offhand to my Mum that the skin on my face was feeling tight and I thought she was going to just say I was tired or something. But no, she said... Well you are twenty six now so you should really be using some moisturiser to stop you getting wrinkles.
Errr, firstly why didn't you tell me this years ago 
and secondly...
I will now be sticking to a strict skincare schedule, probably for the rest of my life... or the next three days, you know, whatever. 
To make up for the years of abuse i'd probably need to look something like this for the next three weeks. 
Anyway I came on here to start writing a post about my Mum so it would be ready for mothers day, but this came out instead. 
Hope you have all had an excellent week and superb weekend so far. More tomorrow on the day of Mothers.

Stay happy
Forever love, 
Nat x


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