Tuesday, 29 May 2012

You've got pen on your face by the way...


When you wake up in the morning feeling like crap you know your day is probably going to be crap. Guess what guys, my day was actually not horrific, well not as bad as I originally thought it would be... then

Later that day... 

When I got home from work and looked in the mirror I had a splodge of ink right in the middle of my cheek. 
Source: suzannestankus.blogspot.com
The best part (A reply to my facebook status about it)? 

There. are. no. words. 
(Just Pictures)

Source: s650.photobucket.com
Anyway so I decided to go for a shower, you know to wash the pen off my face! and guess what... No hot water. 
So I ended up attempting to wash my hair using a bucket of luke warm water over the bath, I ended up pretty my soaking my entire body with water and one of my contact lenses fell out. 

Source: merchantcircle.com
Then... you know the kind of light switch you have in the bathroom? The one on a string? Well that got tangled up in the towel I was wrapping my hair up in. 

So lets just look at this situation... 
  1. Drenched 
  2. Blind
  3. Attached to the light switch 
  4. A Moth

Source: Flickr.com
Nope didn't think so. 

Hope your Tuesday has been more successful than mine. 

Love you!
Love, me 


Monday, 28 May 2012

Something a little different

Lets do something different today, here's a little something I wrote as part of a project i'm doing with a friend. It's a work in progress but here it is. 

Source: vi.sualize.us

Early morning dew drops relaxing on the grass,
Sharp morning air brings you back into focus.
The magic darkness conjures, glancing to the sky
Glitter casually tossed against the black, sticking to the canvas. 

That old mixtape, dust coated in a drawer , 
The melody of a moment, instantly brought back. 
Meeting of eyes, knowing looks exchanged
Two friends, slight smile. Understood.

Crisp leaves, crunching underfoot, 
Clean winter mornings dusted with icing sugar. 
The smell of English summers as rain hits the warm ground,
Those first rays, the promise of more to come. 

Feet sliding across hidden ice, triumph in not falling
Electric energy pulsing through your heart as the bass begins. 
A brand new city, discovering a new playground,
The crease in that old photo that was almost lost.

Friends, laughing until it hurts to breathe. 
The first drink of many on a random Tuesday 
The way Mojitos look like health but taste like mischief
Fizzing vitamin C tablets dancing in morning water.

Happy Monday, 

Love you, 
Love, me


Sunday, 27 May 2012

Proper Shrunk!

Let me just start by saying to those few expecting this to be about last night, it's not! Sorry! 

This weekend has been... Interesting. Mostly alcohol fulled with a little bit of attempted shopping fitted in as well. I think tomorrow is going to be harsh as my liver is feeling pretty fragile right now. 

Is it weird that every time I try to write fragile I type fragine? I think it's weird. 

Source: Looneyfun.com

You do not want to google images "weird" nothing good will come of it, except maybe the above photo which is super cuuute.

Anyway today as its a Sunday I thought i might tell you a little story. So go and get yourself a cuppa and take a seat. 
When I was in my third year of university we had a spare room in our house. Now this room turned out to be the source of much trouble because we had many many strange housemates pass through. The first housemate who moved in with us was an absolute legend, so obviously it didn't last long. 
Source: watchcartoononline.com
Anyway quite soon after he moved in me him and another housemate were sat just chatting away and laughing like the lunatics we were and he looked behind the sofa... Now i'm not going to lie to you here, our house was minging. We had four girls and two boys that stayed in the house for most of the week and none of us were clean freaks so go figure. Anyway behind the sofa layed a massive source of tension in the house. The unspoken kind because everyone is secretly insisting isn't theirs, to the point it had been there for well over a month. 
Source: Guardian.co.uk
So anyway this new housemate gasped quite dramatically when he saw it and instantly me and my other housemate knew the reason for this gasp because it was lying pretty much in the middle of the floor behind the sofa.. My thought was oh god he is going to leave immediately.

source: funny-pics.co
He then uttered the following sentence.
"Oh my god that apple is proper...
(We were expecting him to say disgusting, sick, vile, weird etc)

Now apparently if you just leave an apple core untouched on the floor for a month or two it doesn't get mouldy or smelly. It just gets small, like really really tiny. 
Source: Flickr.com
It's moments like that when you know you have met someone on your wavelength! We also all got really drunk one night and he fell asleep/ passed out, so we drew all over his face and when we tried to wake him up he tried to strangle one of us. I think that's another story. 

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend 
work tomorrow. 

Have fun

Love you, 
Love, me. 


Friday, 25 May 2012

Surprise Morning Message

Guys, the sun is out, the weekend is near...

Have a great day!

Love you!
Love, me
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Elastic band in my eye


So you know when you are sat at work, actually doing work for once. Being all professional on the phone and then your boss hits you in the face with an elastic band barely missing your eyeball... Yeah that. 
Source: cheshirecatstudios.com
Source: somefoo.net
HA Ha Ha....
Luckily I was on hold so my shriek was only to the soothing music of the council. 

It really isn't a rare occurrence  for things to just fly out of nowhere and hit me in the face. I specifically remember when I was at school Netballs seemed to be somehow magnetized to my face so that every time I played a match I ended up clutching my face at the sidelines pretty certain that my nose was gone. 
source: img.moonbuggy.org
At a music festival once, I was right near the front of the crowd watching the Scissor Sisters and everyone was happily bopping around and they started handing out water at the front so everyone crushed forwards. My hands were down at my sides so got trapped... A person a few rows in front of me threw the cup of water behind him and I saw it coming but was powerless to stop it. The cup didn't hit me though... No just a pint of cold water in the face. 
Source: idiomeanings.com
Another time someone was walking past me on the train and just hit me round the back of the head! 
Lastly, (this one happened to my friend but I was a witness) One day close to Christmas me and my friend were sat in the college canteen minding our own business while the rest of the college nommed on a Christmas dinner. We were probably either chattering on about Band practice or what we were going to do over the holidays... When from absolutely nowhere a brussel sprout came whizzing across the canteen at a million miles an hour and hit the wall about two centimeters from my friends face. Now i'm really not kidding it hit with that much force it stuck to the wall for a minute before falling off. The culprit was nowhere to be found... 
Source: freeimagesarchive.com
Sprout Ninja
Source: dooyoo.co.uk

People, please stop throwing stuff at my face. I know its funny looking but come on! 

Hope your week is going superbly! 

Love you!
Love, me


Monday, 21 May 2012

Things I Hate

In my opinion there isn't much on this earth worse than the following:

They smell weird, they taste weird, they look weird. The skin feels like dolphin. When you chew them more than twice they turn into slime, SLIME. Those little black seeds in the middle freak me out as well. 

source: stormfront.org

If anyone eats a banana within a hundred meter radius of me I can smell it and it makes me nauseous.  The only thing good about bananas is that you can draw on them, that can be fun.
Oh and apparently my banana bread tastes amazing, I've never eaten it so I wouldn't know. 

Lumps in food that should be smooth
Custard. I mean come on. Who wants to be eating custard and come across a hidden lump. This makes me want to never eat it again, its a genuine fear. 

Mashed Potato. The same rule applies as above, as for mince with mashed potato... well that's just a nightmare. Was that lump mince or was it potato. Oh hell no!

source: cheezburger.com
Gravy. Though less scary than mashed potato if I pour lumpy gravy I feel panic rising as it looks like there are tadpoles on my dinner. 

I know someone who once found a small green lump in her yogurt. I mean that's just the stuff of nightmares.  

Rice Pudding. So I understand there are supposed to be lumps in this, but just no.
source: simplyrecipies.com
Let me begin with the fact that if I ever see you dip a chip in this vile condiment I will judge you forever. 
It looks like jelly, smells like vinegar and egg and is also an unnatural shade of white. I've told you this before though here... http://furtivelittlefeelings-manic.blogspot.com/2012/03/condi-mental.html

Meat Jelly
source: alltheragefaces.com
This is my biggest horror. You know when you put a roast chicken in the fridge and all the juices turn to jelly. Horror of horrors. I can't even accidently touch it without breaking into a sweat.
Then comes tinned meat that has an intentional layer of jelly.
source: englishrussia.com
The above truly gives me the screaming heebie jeebies. 

Today at work was pretty dire so my head is a bit scrambled. The above list is not at all exhaustive, there is tonnes of stuff I hate. More to come. 

Hope your week has started well! 

Love you!
Love, me!


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Newcastle and The Late Shows

As some of you already know I went up to Newcastle this weekend to visit my super dooper friend Ellie ...

Because we are obviously both extremely intelligent and cultured individuals...
sharing a cosmo! in My Photos by Natalie Furlong
Note the size of Ellie's straw compared to mine hah!
We decided to go to an event called "The Late Shows" Which is basically where all the main museums put on really cool late night events to draw people in. I'm going to be honest the first part of the night was fueled by the wine we had drunk over dinner. Which probably explains the in depth conversion we had about a few paintings in the library... 
"This one is so sad, the space here is just very lonely and desolate" 
Ellie:"I like this one of the elephant"
Me: "I don't like how its tail is all straight"
Ellie: "That's why I like it, and it looks like its leg is broken"
source: urlesque.com
Anyway, we started off in a place called the 'Laing Art Gallery' which was basically all kinds of awesome. There was a huge makeshift tree and when you went in you cut out a leaf on two pieces of paper folded them and stuck the two pieces together along the fold, thus making a 3D leaf, which you then decorated with a uv pen. Oh we all know I took a photo so here it is! 
Tree from above. 
You then put a hole in it and hung it on the ribbons that were hanging down like so...
Ellie hanging her leaf on the tree 
Then if you like decorating things you can draw things on your hand... I saw one guy with glasses drawn on his face. Not sure what to say about that one. 
all kinds of awesome.
From there we made our way to the Newcastle City Library for a tour of contemporary dance. Which we both thought sounded amazing! Then three girls started walking down a huge staircase with books balanced on their heads and proceeded to fling each other around the room for about ten minutes. 
Alright it wasn't quite that bad, but I really didn't get it! So from there we hopped on a bus (if you had a glowstick the bus was free) and made our way over to the Toffee Factory which was less like this... 
Source: flavorwire.com
And more like this...
Source: novakcollective.com
We did know what it was going to be before we got there, but you just can't help hoping for a little miracle haha! The main room had Lady Koo and the Kooky Kitchen singing songs in the style of the 20s/ 30s while there was free tea and cakes being distributed. Which almost made up for the lack of chocolate river. It also provided much entertainment in the form of making up new words to her songs. 
The highlight of the evening was walking along the river to get to the Sage, the views were pretty awesome and when we arrived we realised we were just in time for the Ukulele workshop! Oh yes we did, sadly no pictures to prove my attendance, we learned how to play Three Little Birds by Bob Marley which led to thirty people with zero experience were playing along and singing the chorus "Every little thing, gonna be alright". 

After that we had to sprint to get the last bus back into town, we decided to go wild and sit on the top deck and it was open top! Woo! 
source:  guidepostringway.northumberland.sch.uk
It was a bit cold considering it was midnight. 
Source: screened.com
It was awesome though, the views crossing the Tyne were immense! So all in all it was a really fun trip, I'm pretty exhausted now though, i'm guessing it's all the culture. 
The Toon
The other main highlight being Ellie staging a reconstruction of her spectacular fall in the Metro station which actually happened during rush hour on her way home one day. 
So. Cool.
Hope you have all had a really good weekend! 
Enjoy your Sunday evening. 

Love you!
Love, me
