In my opinion there isn't much on this earth worse than the following:
They smell weird, they taste weird, they look weird. The skin feels like dolphin. When you chew them more than twice they turn into slime, SLIME. Those little black seeds in the middle freak me out as well.
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If anyone eats a banana within a hundred meter radius of me I can smell it and it makes me nauseous. The only thing good about bananas is that you can draw on them, that can be fun.
Oh and apparently my banana bread tastes amazing, I've never eaten it so I wouldn't know.
Lumps in food that should be smooth
Custard. I mean come on. Who wants to be eating custard and come across a hidden lump. This makes me want to never eat it again, its a genuine fear.
Mashed Potato. The same rule applies as above, as for mince with mashed potato... well that's just a nightmare. Was that lump mince or was it potato. Oh hell no!
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Gravy. Though less scary than mashed potato if I pour lumpy gravy I feel panic rising as it looks like there are tadpoles on my dinner.
I know someone who once found a small green lump in her yogurt. I mean that's just the stuff of nightmares.
Rice Pudding. So I understand there are supposed to be lumps in this, but just no.
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Let me begin with the fact that if I ever see you dip a chip in this vile condiment I will judge you forever.
It looks like jelly, smells like vinegar and egg and is also an unnatural shade of white. I've told you this before though here...
Meat Jelly
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This is my biggest horror. You know when you put a roast chicken in the fridge and all the juices turn to jelly. Horror of horrors. I can't even accidently touch it without breaking into a sweat.
Then comes tinned meat that has an intentional layer of jelly.
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The above truly gives me the screaming heebie jeebies.
Today at work was pretty dire so my head is a bit scrambled. The above list is not at all exhaustive, there is tonnes of stuff I hate. More to come.
Hope your week has started well!
Love you!
Love, me!