Tip of the day:
Before you go up to a staff member of your local gym to ask a stupid question, make sure you don't know them.
Source: Weheartit.com |
Lets rewind. I go to a council run gym so there are three main ones that I can use I have been to the two others regularly but this one is a bit out of the way. However just so happens to be about a twenty five minute walk from my work. So being the dedicated little trooper that I am I decided to brave it and go to the new one. Go me.
Source: theworldsbestever.com |
Within five minutes I had already had to ask where I could fill my water bottle up only for the staff member to point to a water fountain directly behind me, Awesome.
The first thing I thought on going in was where the hell is all the equipment there was hardly anything! One treadmill, one cross trainer, a few rowing machines and weight machines. Hmm now these gyms are small but this is just insane. I hopped on the treadmill though and tried to work out what was going down.
Source : Divasayswhat.com |
No, I totally didn't fall haha but you can bet that will be coming to a blog near you soon. From what I could work out there must be more gym equipment up the stairs but all I could see was weights and burly sweaty men. Bugger it I thought, I'm just going to ask. (That's how you know you need to be at the gym, when you ask whats upstairs rather than just walk up them to find out).
You know when you start talking to someone and they turn round and your brain kind of melts because you know their face but you can't work out why...
Source: iwastesomuchtime.com |
I did the thing I always do in this situation, err pretend I don't know them at all, look at the floor mostly and just hope to god they don't say "why are you staring at the floor like you don't recognise me when we went to college together" Luckily he either didn't recognise me or like me prefers to pretend like he didn't. Rather helpfully I was dressed in camouflage Aka Bright red face and baggy gym clothes.
Source: Explodingdog.com |
Upon asking what was upstairs he kindly replied "just some more equipment and weights". So up I went. Basically the entire gym was up there, i'm talking rows of bikes, treadmills, crosstrainers, steppers weights and all manner of things I don't know how to use. Needless to say I felt a fool and as I was leaving I pretty much kept my eyes to the floor to attempt to maintain a tiny bit of dignity.
Had someone asked me that I would probably have laughed in their face and told them to go and have a look! it's a good job there are nice people out there!
Love you!
Love, me
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