Let me start this off by telling you that I am an expert at DIY. Let me also tell you that I am lying. I like to make things that are really easy to put together, if it requires a hammer I am immediately put off because that means I can ruin it. I managed to assemble an entire desk from Ikea single-handedly.
Source: Ikea.com |
I also pretty much put a bookcase together... But I needed help with the hammering part and also the part where you have to fix it to the wall.
Source: sodahead.com |
Anyway back in my student days...
Fatarmfatarmfatarm. |
I lived in a house, that was a little bit scabby but fairly nice for a student house and in my room was the comfiest armchair you have ever sat in. The only problem being that when I had to write an essay I was sooo sleepy...
Source: openwalls.com |
So being the studious person I was I went out to buy myself a bargain desk chair from Argos. I selected a friend to come help me carry it on the bus home. Turned out that was WAY too heavy anyway so we got a taxi. Lugged it up three, THREE flights of stairs to my room and out of breath and a little bit sweaty looked at this massive box as our first DIY challenge.
Source: bigappleboxes.com |
It was all going fine and dandy until we got to the last part. Which was the hydraulics that make the chair go up and down.
Me: Right it says once we have done this bit you can't take it off again. Are we 100% sure this is the right way.
Friend: Urrrrm I think so.
Me:How sure though, we need to be totally sure. I think it must be right, is it right?
Friend: Yeah, yep its right. I'm sure it is.
Me: Ok, here goes...
Then all of a sudden we were proudly looking at a semi fancy looking leather look chair with arms and a tilt action.
So I triumphantly sat down and leaned back expecting this...
Source: clipartof.com |
and.... Nothing.
Nope, nothing.
So I went to get off and guess what guys. The chair tilted, FORWARDS.
Source: alltheragefaces.com |
After about half an hour of freaking out and imagining myself having to roll this chair all the way through the city centre... we realised it was totally fixable. Haa!
Happy Tuesday,
Love you!
Love, me.
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