Thursday, 31 January 2013

It Finally Happened

So as you guys out there in cyberspace probably know due to a few of my past blogs, I am a massive chicken when it comes to scary things... well.

It finally happened, after years of waiting... 

The girl from The Ring finally came to get me in the middle of the night. 
(I just googled the ring and my heart is hammering because I saw a picture of the girl)
I was laying in bed hugging my pillow as I always do, beginning to think and dream of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. Just as I was beginning to slip off into the land of nod I heard a curious noise. Having lived alone before when I hear a strange noise in the night I immediately assume someone is creeping into the house to murder me. 
My heart hammering I told myself not to be ridiculous, at the same time I was straining my ears to see if I could hear any movement in the house... Nope, there I knew I was being insane. 
This has all been a bit scary so far so lets have a picture of a puppy and a kitten snoozing to lighten the mood a bit. 
Immediately as I thought everything was fine and dandy, the handle of my bedroom door creaked, my entire body tensed as I frantically tried to think of something I could reach to use to protect myself. I opened my eye sightly and looked towards the door not daring to breathe as it slowly opened the only sound the slight squeaking of the hinges. There in the doorway stood... The girl from The Ring. 

This is what I saw
This is how I felt
Never have I felt my heart accelerate at such speed, I'm fairly sure I was close to having a heart attack. The girl just stood there, not moving or speaking... My brain worked at about a million miles an hour trying to understand how the girl from The Ring had got into my house, how after terrifying me for years she had finally tracked me down. She had clawed her way out of that deep dark well and found her way to my bedroom door. I'm not going to lie here and say I jumped up with a bat and saved myself, I did what all us chickenish people do and froze completely and broke out in a cold sweat. I was about to die at the hands of the most horrendous child horror film star ever...

As my brain caught up and I recognised the over sized Disneyland tee shirt and long brown hair of my twelve year old sister, stood sleepwalking. It took me every ounce of self control not to shout every swearword under the sun. 

Eventually off she went back to bed. I lay back down and my heart gradually returned to it's normal rhythm (that's a reaaaaaally hard word to spell) 

Turns out she hasn't come for me yet after all. 

Source: Funnyasduck,com
Happy Thursday. 

Love you!
Love, me. 

Tweet: @nataliefurlong

Sunday, 27 January 2013

S'no Problem

So this weekend I almost got trapped in Middlesbrough after a night out and froze to death. 
Ok so that isn't entirely true, however had my friends knight in shining armor not shown up to give us a lift home in the midst of a snowstorm then that may have been the case! Whilst me and my bestie were drinking £2.60 double vodkas and dancing to the indie songs we had listened to when we were eighteen the snow outside was falling thick and fast.
I don't feel like dancing in My Photos by Natalie Furlong
Eighteen year old selves. 
 So long story short we didn't die, we got a lift home. Loooook at the snooooow though! 

The only other remotely interesting thing that happened this weekend was that i discovered that there is such a thing as Mushroom Ketchup. Lets just take a moment to process this.......... MUSHROOM KETCHUP. 
There it was just innocently nestled between Jack Daniels BBQ sauce and Mayonnaise (horrendous) In fact it was hidden behind one of those random plastic things that they hang off the shelves. I can't remember what it was but they are usually irrelevant so lets not dwell on it. 
Also this: 
Just what I fancy, Tuna and Creamed Corn
Who in their right mind thought... lets cream some corn and see what that's like. I'll tell you who, the same weirdo that thought making mushrooms into ketchup was a good idea. 
Moving on from there, I made some absolutely AMAZING chocolate chip cookies yesterday that are chewy in the middle and crunchy round the edges. I am not kidding guys, these are perfection. Here's a photo...
 Here is a link to the Recipe:
It's easy peasy too so get some made and if you have kids then get them involved they'll love these!! 
Lastly it has become a bit of a 'thing' at work that I happen to have amazing socks so here is a little peek into one side of my sock drawer mainly so you can feel jealous that your socks aren't as good as mine. 

Well guys I hope your weekend has been as good if not better than mine. 
Small fun fact for you, this blog is available in mobile phone format just type in the url and it specially formats it for you! You can read it on your way to work, if you don't drive obviously. 

I feel like i'm forgetting to tell you all something... Maybe it was just about finishing the classroom training and actually having to go and do the job i'm paid for this week. Waaah. I am unsure. Never mind! 

Love you!
Love, me. 


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

New Year, New Job... and stuff.

Hey guys! 

So I've been a bit quiet on here for a little while because... dun dun duuuun I have a new job! Let me take this opportunity to do that weird disclaimer thing whereby even though I haven't actually said where I work all views expressed on this blog are entirely my own and not that of the place that I work. Does that count? No idea. 

On with the show. 

SO I've been in training for the past few weeks which has consisted mainly of classroom learning, to be honest its totally made me want to go back to uni and do another course.
We did our first bit of actual work today, you know when people say "It's always me' Well it really is ALWAYS me! Today I managed to get the first person demanding to speak to a manager, I was the last person to finish and in my last job most people were put in a team with someone else from training, but not me... noooo. I somehow always manage to stand out. 
Can you spot the odd one out? Hi it's me.
We've also had some assessments in the past few weeks, put a paper in front of me, call it an assessment, tell me I have to pass and hey presto...
I had a wonderful Christmas (thanks for asking)! 
A very fun night out with my ladies! 
Can you tell it was sweaty? My hair looks horrific!
(also Rosie you look a bit sad in this!!)
Then what i'm fairly sure happened was some absolute horror of a human being must have sneezed in my direction because I managed to contract the most horrific Chest Infection/ Flu AND and Eye Infection. So for my entire second week of my new job and New Year I spent looking and feeling just like this... 
I just sneezed as I wrote that. My god if I get ill again it is going to be the worst thing ever! 
So lets finish on a brighter note, the past two days I have almost been late for work so if that happens again tomorrow lets just say it's not going to be good! 
I'm also in the midst of a new fun project that's staying under wrap for now! 
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand am trying to plan some fun trips for this summer. Woohoo 

Well the battery is going to die so lets leave it here for today. 
Muchos love to you all.
Love you! 
Love, me. 

Twit me up @Nataliefurlong