Tuesday, 15 January 2013

New Year, New Job... and stuff.

Hey guys! 

So I've been a bit quiet on here for a little while because... dun dun duuuun I have a new job! Let me take this opportunity to do that weird disclaimer thing whereby even though I haven't actually said where I work all views expressed on this blog are entirely my own and not that of the place that I work. Does that count? No idea. 

On with the show. 

SO I've been in training for the past few weeks which has consisted mainly of classroom learning, to be honest its totally made me want to go back to uni and do another course.
Source: Sodahead.com
We did our first bit of actual work today, you know when people say "It's always me' Well it really is ALWAYS me! Today I managed to get the first person demanding to speak to a manager, I was the last person to finish and in my last job most people were put in a team with someone else from training, but not me... noooo. I somehow always manage to stand out. 
Can you spot the odd one out? Hi it's me.
Source: http://tx.english-ch.com/teacher/julia/odd%20one.jpg
We've also had some assessments in the past few weeks, put a paper in front of me, call it an assessment, tell me I have to pass and hey presto...
Source: favim.com
I had a wonderful Christmas (thanks for asking)! 
A very fun night out with my ladies! 
Can you tell it was sweaty? My hair looks horrific!
(also Rosie you look a bit sad in this!!)
Then what i'm fairly sure happened was some absolute horror of a human being must have sneezed in my direction because I managed to contract the most horrific Chest Infection/ Flu AND and Eye Infection. So for my entire second week of my new job and New Year I spent looking and feeling just like this... 
Source: justiceleaks.net
I just sneezed as I wrote that. My god if I get ill again it is going to be the worst thing ever! 
So lets finish on a brighter note, the past two days I have almost been late for work so if that happens again tomorrow lets just say it's not going to be good! 
I'm also in the midst of a new fun project that's staying under wrap for now! 
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand am trying to plan some fun trips for this summer. Woohoo 

Well the battery is going to die so lets leave it here for today. 
Muchos love to you all. 
Love you! 
Love, me. 

Twit me up @Nataliefurlong

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