Saturday, 31 March 2012

Oh my word.

Has anyone ever noticed that these two must have been separated at birth?! 

Lady Edith from Downton Abbey

       Michael Cera from Juno and Superbad

So now that I see them side by side I don't think they look THAT alike. But I had already Googled the photos and everything. 

Happy Weekend yeeaah


Friday, 30 March 2012


Anyone who knows me well, will know I have a severe hatred for something. Something I can only describe as my nightmare food. That thing is... Mayonnaise. I hate the texture of it, the smell off it. I hate it worst when it's in a jar. Why in gods name would anyone dip a chip into something that smells of vinegar and egg. WHY.

I was thinking about this the other day as I was making a tuna mayonnaise sandwich... Whhhaatt I hear you cry, yes, yes I know I am insane, well insane enough to be able to tolerate this vinegar egg mix but only when you add tinned fish to it. So here I am squeezing mayo from a bottle (I will NEVER spoon it from a jar), when this disaster happened... 
Now I realise that by admitting to the fact i can tolerate this condiment when mixed with fish may take away from quite how much hatred I have for it. But let me just explain a little further in that a few years ago when I was a student we used to play a game called "would you rather" Things like would you rather eat a strangers chewing gum from the floor or eat a cube of earwax? One that may help you understand me a little bit more was "would you rather drink a pint of mayonnaise through a straw or lick a sweaty mans hairy armpit" I choose armpit EVERY TIME! 

So that was going to be my thoughts on mayonnaise, Then I thought to myself hey a picture of me looking at mayonnaise would be funny to end on... So into the fridge I go to bravely face this beast of a food, then this happened!!! 
It knows I hate it! As I touched the bottle it flew from the fridge in a rage and hit the floor cracking and excreting that massive blob that can be seen above. You bastard. Now I have to clean it up, Not only that but this was a new bottle. So I had to get the old bottle from the fridge that had a tiny bit left wash it out, YES wash out mayo from a bottle, then worst off all transfer the sticky eggy vinegary mess from the cracked container into the new one. So i squeezed it to see if it was gonna be easy... apparently not as a massive blob divebombed onto my hand. Naturally at this point I was queezing and nearly fainting. Fear not though I persevered and about half an hour later I had managed it!... oh go on have a look.. 
I think the point of this post really is to tell you to BEWARE when you mock a condiment, they will come for you. In anyway they can. I have felt somewhat nauseous throughout writing this and now am almost certain I can smell it. *looks over shoulder*.  
I don't know about you but i'm not sure the above photo was worth it! I do however think we have all learned something today. 

Enjoy your day! 
Twit me up! @NatalieFurlong

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Carpet can burn you.

Guys! After my post the other day about shoes... did I really post about shoes. Anyway so yesterday I was wearing the white and blue stripey ones...
In the previous post I was speaking about the fact I could never wear high shoes because I would immediately fall over. Now because things always seem to happen whenever I mock something, naturally disaster happened. Not a natural disaster just naturally disaster. 

So there I am walking towards the stairs and I glanced down at my feet and thought "huh, these shoes are pretty n" then proceeded to kick the stair rather than step on it and come crashing back down to earth. I grabbed the stair raily thing which then crunched. Basically I found myself laying face down on the stairs...
While my face was nestled into the carpet, through the feeling of pure shame and hilarity I realised that my knee was stinging like crazy! only to look down at my knee and see this!... 
I was instantly reminded of being in primary school and falling over in the classroom on those awful carpet tiles that may as well have been made of sandpaper, the moral of this story today kids is that carpet is not your friend, it just lays in wait for you to make any kind of rapid movement on it so it can BURN you. Yep carpets burn people, Like fire... but not as bad. 

Have a great day and stay safe! 


Oh i've been meaning to say! Lets connect on Twittaaa @NatalieFurlong

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


                         Love this!

We need to talk about.. The Hunger Games!

Guys! We need to talk about The Hunger Games! I went to see it this morning having read the books about five months ago, I had pretty much forgotten how awesome it was!! 
here's the thing though, I very nearly had an emotional breakdown about 4 times. 

The first of these being at the beginning at the reaping, even though I knew what our lovely Katniss was going to do, I felt like this.
The yellowy orange blob over my throat is there to represent the burning fire of doom that takes over my throat when I am trying not to cry. At this point I knew I was in for a bumpy ride! 
Mostly I loved the fact the film stuck so closely to the book, it is my pet hate when they cut massive chunks out of a story. I loved the dynamic between Katniss and Peeta, especially when he grabbed her hand at the opening ceremony thing. Naww.

Next emotional breakdown only really takes one word. Rue. 
Aside the film being tragically sad at points most of it was really exciting and kept you gripped right through to the end, I always think with films like this I wish I could see the film without having read the book, but I usually just can't let myself do that in case they miss something out! 
There is just one other part I want to bring up, having read the book i knew exactly what was about to happen, so when it jumped out of the trees why the frick did I nearly jump through the cinema screen?!
Yep guys, that's me today a jumpy, scared and over emotional weirdo. 
just a tip, don't google terrified faces. I nearly fainted, twice.

LOVED IT, go see it, go see it, goseeit!!

with love,


Because this post was a bit depressing and had my face all over it. Enjoy this Natnemo.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Bbq sauce, hot from oven, all over top and feet. 

whoda thunk it?

wuuut x

Shoes, shoes and more shoes.

Hello Lovlies, today's post comes to you from indoors, despite my computer thermometer telling me its 21 degrees, I managed about an hour wandering around town, ten minutes outside in the garden shuddering because there was a gigantic wasp in the kitchen and three and a half minutes running in and out of the kitchen trying to shoo said wasp. 

Anyway you're probably reading this and thinking, there is nothing here about shoes, shoes and more shoes, so here you go. Basically this is about my astonishment at girls ability to go on a night out wearing huge heels, this is something I have never managed to achieve myself. 
On Saturday my lovely friend Ellie wore these lovely shoes
I should probably quite quickly say that these are not the exact shoes she wore but they were very high and very very glittery, now my first reaction after I manage to tear my eyes away from the sparklyness and stop myself ooohing is, Holy shit you're going to break and ankle. Please see below my footwear for the evening. 
And I was impressed that my shoes where shiny (and leopard print inside!!). Now if you know me in real life you will one hundred percent recognise the shoes in the second picture as something I would be likely to buy/wear. Below you will find my usual daily footwear...

These are just general day to day shoes, comfy as you like
These were my bargain shoes, cute i thought for summer.
Annnyyhoooo this here post is as a salute to all you girly girls who manage to wear heels everyday and do it gracefully, this is also a salute to all you occasional heels wearers because god only knows I would break both ankles if I attempted it!! Another reason being, I hate, hate hate the burning foot thing after dancing like a fool for a few hours, which generally carries on to the following day! Ellie woke up the following day and i'm pretty sure one of her first utterings was something like 'Oh my god my feet are burning'

Sack that, give me flats anytime :D 

I may not own the cutest shoes in the world but I'm pretty sure I'm in the running for cutest nail clippers...

So there's my take on shoes, darlings with burning feet, I salute you, but I really don't envy you! 
Time to take my cold feets into the kitchen to make some dinner. We both know that now I'm gonna spill something hot on them. Damn. 


Monday, 26 March 2012

So here's the thing, the thing is this...
I have had all of my hair chopped off, I needed a major change because my hair was making me sick. so here it is.

So it kinda looks gloriously short and dramatic in this photo, which is just camera trickery because behind me is this... 
The next morning I washed my hair which after having really long hair that I used to tie up, washing short hair was the funnest thing ever! it was sooooo easy! haha yes I'm lazy. I know this post is kind of redonkulously short (kinda like I feel about my hair, but just go with it. Anyway check out my hair post wash and dry (done allls by myself), actually feel I should add here, I always wash my own hair. 
Sometimes you gotta embrace having crazy hair, right?

Peace x

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Night out in Newcastle


Went up to the toon last night with three of my awesome girly mates for a night out. What a fun night it was, Its always awesome to catch up with my girls. Having not been out it Newcastle before I was slightly worried it would be all dance music but thought hey ho lets just go for it. The place we ended up in was mainly chart music which I don't actually mind, Easy to dance to and you mostly know the words to the songs so you can sing along (i'm all about the singing). So I mainly feel like I look like this....

When I actually look like this...

And i'm Mclovin not the girl. 
disclaimer....I am neither of these people :/

Annyyway I like to believe that it it perfectly natural to try and channel the singer of whichever song is playing at the time, as i write this i feel it is becoming more and more evident that I cannot dance haha! So it turns out that chart music is really fun on a night out and i kind of loved it. So three of us got a taxi back and two others went in search of food and were going to follow on, now because we were staying with a friend, one that was in taxi number two it was decided that the two that were in the taxi would sleep on the sofas downstairs and I would sleep upstairs  so having been given the key I went into my mates room got my jamas on and sort of fell into bed but i was half awake waiting for her to come back, about twenty minutes later I can hear a drunken stumbling up the stairs, the door opens and in comes my friend, i obviously in my drunk state was like heeeeeeyy (still face down in the pillow with my eyes shut) and she said... are you hungry. Suddenly ravenous I can hear a box scraping and I am almost praising jesus, She has brought us pizza... I whipped round like "have you got pizza"?! and she handed me....


A DRY CRISPBREAD, I said... are you taking the piss?! obviously I still took it and ate it, whilst complaining and asking if she had anything ANYTHING to put on it, cheese, peanut butter.. BUTTER even. If you have never had one, they taste a bit like dry compacted sawdust, then she then broke the news "oh I had a mcdonalds on the way back" Turns out she had a chicken sandwich. 

Are you SHITTING me?!

Haha no in all seriousness I complained, ate the crispbread, got that many crumbs everywhere that we both practically had to sleep on a dry crusty crispbread. 

P.S. Do not eat crispbread drunk or you will wake up without one single drop of saliva in your mouth the next morning. (and a piece of crispbread stuck to your face) 

Love my ladies, Seriously. 

Rargh xxx 

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

New Funny Internet Find!

My Drunk Kitchen!

This really made me laugh!!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

King Charles

The sun is shining! YES! I can't wait for summer this year, I think sometimes you just need sunshine. Everything feels different on a sunny day rather than when its grey or gloomy!

Anyway, My lovely friend Clare called me last week to see if i fancied going to an impromptu gig in Durham, after umming and aaahing I thought what the heck.. and off we went, to see this rather dashing man King Charles 
Now if you haven't heard these guys simply watching them on youtube does NOT do them justice in the slightest, although still pretty darn awesome on the internet. These guys live are just super! Their lead singer Ooozes confidence but not in an arrogant way. The band behind him were faultless and the two dancing girls in the background just finished off this bizarre yet totally justified set up. let me take just one step back and say that as we stood by the bar and the king himself was sat at the merchandise store I whispered to Clare *he looks like a pirate, but I like it!*. despite the venue not being packed out the fans that were there sure made up for the numbers with their evident dedication, knowing and singing every lyric. They started off with two songs that immediately grabbed you and forced you to bop around with the rest of the crowd. But it was their third song Animal Desires that really sealed the deal. The big drums came out and so did the crazy dancing, though most of the song I alternated between looking on in awe and dancing around like a bit of a loon. As it came to a close I looked at Clare... Clare looked at me and we both said... THAT WAS EPIC!   

This was our faces 

And the guy has the coolest hair you have ever seen in your life, the face came out again when the hair came out! 
So basically this band knows how to party. Get yourself to a gig before they get massive and it costs a fortune. 

Here's a cheeky video x