In the previous post I was speaking about the fact I could never wear high shoes because I would immediately fall over. Now because things always seem to happen whenever I mock something, naturally disaster happened. Not a natural disaster just naturally disaster.
So there I am walking towards the stairs and I glanced down at my feet and thought "huh, these shoes are pretty n" then proceeded to kick the stair rather than step on it and come crashing back down to earth. I grabbed the stair raily thing which then crunched. Basically I found myself laying face down on the stairs...
While my face was nestled into the carpet, through the feeling of pure shame and hilarity I realised that my knee was stinging like crazy! only to look down at my knee and see this!...
I was instantly reminded of being in primary school and falling over in the classroom on those awful carpet tiles that may as well have been made of sandpaper, the moral of this story today kids is that carpet is not your friend, it just lays in wait for you to make any kind of rapid movement on it so it can BURN you. Yep carpets burn people, Like fire... but not as bad.
Have a great day and stay safe!
Oh i've been meaning to say! Lets connect on Twittaaa @NatalieFurlong
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