So where in the rule book does it say that any teen book series needs to be ended in a lazy way? I mean you invest yourself in these books and then it seems like the author just gives up at the end!
Most recently this has happened at the end of the Hunger Games trilogy. Now before you think I am a hater, I'm not I properly loved the books and was totally gripped right till the last few chapters.
Honestly it doesn't take much to get me hooked on a story, make it remotely interesting and write it well and I am in!
**Spoiler Alert**
If you haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy or don't want to know the end then Skip to the end... There is a Harry Potter bit.
Enjoy this song first
What the hell. Katniss pretty much lost her damn mind. Peeta tried to regain the mind he had lost, they ended up back in District Twelve... TWELVE, Prim died, Katniss didn't love Peeta or Gale or anyone, they tried to make us think she did but we all know she just settled for him in the end. They had two kid's in the future and are dreading explaining the role they had in everything (duh), Gale is off fighting somewhere else so now they can't even be mates. She tried to kill herself with the magic pill. Err did I mention PRIM DIED... What the fuck. What the actual fuck. (sorry for the language).
So really, Katniss should have let her go in the Hunger Games and then she could have married Gale and run off to live in the woods instead of settling for Peeta who has only loved her forever and keeps saving her life you know, all that rubbish stuff! As a small note I did find Katniss a hard character to connect with mainly due to her lack of emotion through most parts so really I just wanted Peeta to have a better ending.
Needless to say the ending left me feeling hollow, I wanted more from it even if it wasn't happy, even if they all died. The wishy washy ness of how it ended seemed so insane, so empty after the rest of it being so utterly enthralling! I started reading it again and have just started the second book Catching Fire and already i'm dreading the end of the third book, Maybe I'll just stop before I get there and pretend it never happened.
I do recommend the series though because it is actually really awesome just imagine a better ending when you have finished.
I could end this here but i'm on a tangent now so lets just go for it. The other ending I hated... Oh i'm just going to say it.
Harry Potter
Before I start let me just say I am the biggest Potter geek out there, I love it even though I have a few gripes. I'm pretty sure I could beat most people on Harry Potter trivia questions... Yes that is a challenge.
I actually feel ill even talking about the end to be honest. Though it wasn't so much the ending I had a problem with, It was the epilogue that felt like it had been written in about five minutes whilst eating a pot noodle and watching Eastenders. I know we needed closure so that people didn't constantly ask for another book. However I really don't understand why it had to be so cheesy. So so cheesy.
Mmm Cheese. |
I'm feeling anxious because I know what I need to quote in a minute to prove my point and it brings me out in a cold sweat. Before we get there though lets look at this
- Ron looks awful, he needs to stop eating pies and play more quidditch.
- Harry looks like Benjamin Button.
- Hermionie looks exactly the same.
- Ginny just looks weird.
Why is Malfoy now about 103 years old? |
Now to what is the worst line in all of the history of the world.
Wait I just need to find a happy place before I actually can bring myself to write it down...
"Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I ever knew."
This made me want to hit Harry in the face. Why has he called one of his children Albus Severus and the other ones Lily and James?! Oh that's so fair if he ever wants to go out into the non magical world. My other point is yes Snape was brave but he did make Harry's life a bloody nightmare. Lastly there are a million ways to say this that are less cheesy, something like "The sorting hat lets you choose" would have done me just fine.
Sidenote. If for some unfortunate reason either of the authors read this, let me just say I really loved your books! A lot. just not the last few pages! Erm.. please don't hate me?