Monday, 30 April 2012

Lets Get Baked

I'm not gonna lie to you guys I had a rough weekend. By rough I mean severely hungover. So this morning I got up dusted myself off and decided to go to the gym, I realise this was a risky strategy because when you are feeling a bit fragile and try to do exercise you may just pass out/ die (this is what I always tell myself even though it is a lie). 
Anyway guess what, I did neither it was totally fine and when I left, I got home applied for a job and baked some yummy treats! (Which due to my awesome willpower I haven't eaten). Can you put an entire sentence in brackets? I highly doubt it but i'm not changing it now! 

Let me just say one thing here, when I write these blogs and go looking for pictures to amuse you (whoever you are) I risk my sanity. I just stumbled across a photo of the exorcist girl looking demonic I therefore won't sleep properly for a week now.  

Back to baking so I decided that Carrot Cake Cupcakes were a good choice so here's a few photos of how they looked when the first came out... 

I only made six so uh yeah. 
Then using my new crazy syringe icing thingy I made this happen. 

The icing is a little wobbly but hey it was just my first time with the new icing contraption/ majiggy! Apparently they taste really good, which is a bit of a bonus.

I also made a Lemon Meringue Pie. 
I Googled proud face.
there are no words
Moving on. 
Pre Assembly: 
Its upside down and i can't fix it, don't judge me. 
So I had one tiny mishap with the lemon curd wherein I forgot to add the water so what I had was something that resembled really super lemony wallpaper paste. There was a worrying moment when I just poured the water in and everything went lump and all the cornflour sort of leaked out and made everything white and scary, but not one to be defeated I stirred like a beast and it all worked out in the end. Yay. 
Post Assembly 
Look at the shine on that! 
Post Ovening 
Now if i was really good i'd have waited until it was gone and taken a photo of the empty foil, but i'm not so what would be super is if you could just picture it here. 

Pie All Gone
Empty Metal Tray

However there is a small bit left in the fridge that I may just go and eat now. Don't worry this isn't going to turn into a food blog. I'm not a food blogger (well I guess I was today but that's beside the point). I just don't have the dedication or patience to wash up all the dishes everyday. 

Love, Me. 


Bruce Bogtrotter. 


Sunday, 29 April 2012

Petrichor - ically Speaking

Rainy Sundays if you are British are a very regular occasion, as an only child until I was fourteen most of mine were spent begging to have a friend over, or with my face pressed against the window longing for sunshine. It's ok, I was a bit of a weird child.
Then in university rain on a Sunday was suddenly a blessing, Hungover with absolutely no guilt at the fact you weren't going to leave the house... Except maybe in your pajamas with a coat on to go to the chippy. Before you judge me I went to university in Liverpool where it is absolutely acceptable to go out in your pajamas. Even if are going to Asda for a full on weekly shop (I never did this, no really I didn't). Right I just Googled Liverpool out in Pajamas and this came up...
Realistically a week wouldn't pass before you saw someone shopping in Pjs or with rollers in shopping in town. True. Fact. 
This is one of the photos that I took myself, It was out of my bedroom window on what was probably  a hungover *insert any weekday here*
Rainy Roofs! in My Photos by Natalie Furlong

So then when you leave university, the place where "I'm not going in today... Have you seen that rain?!" was a valid excuse for a day off. You finally manage to get yourself a job, and you live in a city with no car so public transport is a must. This is when rain becomes just a big massive bastard. It means working all day in trousers that have managed to suck up around four litres of dirty rain water and having hair that enjoys becoming uncontrollable due to any form of precipitation. 
My only advice for you on days like that are pretty much just give up. Just give up hope of looking vaguely attractive. When anyone asks just put on a blank expression and simply say "Rain" before walking away (to go and cry in the toilets).

Guess what though guys, rain isn't always bad. It makes things grow which is, you know, good. It means you get to stay inside and watch old films. It means you can watch people who are outside and laugh, but the unfortunate flip side of that is when you are outside you tend to develop paranoia. Rain also gives you an excellent excuse to bake that cake you have been meaning to make for the last three months. Again unfortunate flip side being, if you have a list of mundane activities that don't require leaving the house you kind of have to do them. 
The only way of getting out of said list of mundane activities is when you have a... Hangover... there are silver linings everywhere guys, you just need to find them. 
Another bonus of rain is the fact that if you have a blog then you have absolutely no excuse not to write on it (in it?!) even if the only thing you can think of to talk about is rain. 
Does this remind anyone else of salad fingers? oh god now i'm thinking about salad fingers. 
Because I love you all so much i'm not going to lie. I'm drinking wine. Mainly due to the fact that I am a glutton for punishment. See previous post " The Devils Drink". 

I almost forgot to say that my absolute favorite thing about rain is the smell the next day, and the name for this smell... Petrichor and the definition "The pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell

So now you get the title of this post. In hindsight this should have gone at the beginning of the post but i'm not changing it now. 

Love, Me. 


Saturday, 28 April 2012

The Devils Drink.

Am I really going to tell you what happened last night? No. Oh ok, but i'm not telling everything, mainly because it is a well known fact that secrets make you seem cooler.
We started off in the lovely Rosie's house...
This portion of the evening mainly consisted of drinking copious amounts of alcohol and catching up. So although I loved it I won't bore you with the details. We all hopped into a taxi and made our way to Stockton and the lovely KU bar. 
 *spoiler alert* 
You know it has been a good night when the following day you have KU on your shoulder from the bracelet. Hey at least it wasn't on my face. 

Anyway so we go to the bar and because I am easily influenced I got one of these, which I can only describe as being the devils drink. 
What in gods name would possess me to drink Tequila flavoured beer. I don't even like normal Tequila! But drink it I did, I mean seriously. Before we go any further let me show you the lovely people I was with. Everyone say Hi to Rosie and Laura. As you can see this our first drink in the bar. At this moment in time everyone still looks normal and their eyes can still focus. 

Then there was dancing, We've spoken about my dancing before and nothing much has changed there. 
Then being the super smart people we are decided we should get shots. Yeaah Shots. 
Why does it taste so much like licorice?! Does anyone else think its weird that its Lic O Rice? Surely it should be lichorish? I dunno. Weird. 
It was a really fun night and a few old faces popped up, one of which was very strange because it took me a good 3 minutes to actually recognise her. While she was stood right in front of me. Sorry Anna, if your reading this then love ya!
The best part of the evening was that Olly Murs was there! Yep I know, Olly Murs!!
Disclaimer: Not really. 
Just someone who vaguely resembled him. 
Guys, when I woke up this morning I can honestly say I have not felt as hungover as I did since I was at uni. I woke up at about ten with a vague taste of licorice and shame on my tongue. I just lay there until half eleven just willing for the room to stop spinning. When I finally picked up the courage to move I promptly had to sit back down again and take some deep breaths. Walking was difficult, but honestly the memories slowly creeping in was the worst part. Thankfully my Mum saved me with a chip buttie at two o'clock, until then I just sat on the sofa keeping my head as still as possible watching Friends. The food has brought me back to life. I mean you just know your not in a good place when you think, maybe if i'm just sick I will feel better.

Warning: do not Google Queeze face on Google images, not even for a funny photo for your blog. 

A text exchanged this morning... 

I bloody love my friends. 


Friday, 27 April 2012

Friday Shenanigans


I had a couple of super posts I wanted to write today but my time has run out! Basically I spent this morning messing around on Youtube. Productive obviously.
This chick has about a million videos, this one however is something I have debated about in the past. I mean the Beast... Come on people!! 

Then I had to walk to the shop to buy beer for tonight... I went for this stuff... 
Glug Glug
Then I had to shower and dry and straighten my hair! Oh and before any of this I made a stew in the slow cooker so uh hello! Get me. 
Disclaimer: this is not me at all.
So tonight there shall be dancing. Tomorrow, well tomorrow is for telling all you guys about the stupid things anyone of us does tonight. Beware ladies. 
Have a fun Friday night doing whatever you decide! 

Muchos Love 

Twittah: @NatalieFurlong

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

How did it end up like this?


So where in the rule book does it say that any teen book series needs to be ended in a lazy way? I mean you invest yourself in these books and then it seems like the author just gives up at the end! 
Most recently this has happened at the end of the Hunger Games trilogy. Now before you think I am a hater, I'm not I properly loved the books and was totally gripped right till the last few chapters. 
Honestly it doesn't take much to get me hooked on a story, make it remotely interesting and write it well and I am in! 
**Spoiler Alert**
If you haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy or don't want to know the end then Skip to the end... There is a Harry Potter bit. 

Enjoy this song first

What the hell. Katniss pretty much lost her damn mind. Peeta tried to regain the mind he had lost, they ended up back in District Twelve... TWELVE, Prim died, Katniss didn't love Peeta or Gale or anyone, they tried to make us think she did but we all know she just settled for him in the end. They had two kid's in the future and are dreading explaining the role they had in everything (duh), Gale is off fighting somewhere else so now they can't even be mates. She tried to kill herself with the magic pill. Err did I mention PRIM DIED... What the fuck. What the actual fuck. (sorry for the language). 
Scum sucking road whore

So really, Katniss should have let her go in the Hunger Games and then she could have married Gale and run off to live in the woods instead of settling for Peeta who has only loved her forever and keeps saving her life you know, all that rubbish stuff! As a small note I did find Katniss a hard character to connect with mainly due to her lack of emotion through most parts so really I just wanted Peeta to have a better ending. 

Needless to say the ending left me feeling hollow, I wanted more from it even if it wasn't happy, even if they all died. The wishy washy ness of how it ended seemed so insane, so empty after the rest of it being so utterly enthralling!  I started reading it again and have just started the second book Catching Fire and already i'm dreading the end of the third book, Maybe I'll just stop before I get there and pretend it never happened. 
I do recommend the series though because it is actually really awesome just imagine a better ending when you have finished.
Your nana & I have that in common.

I could end this here but i'm on a tangent now so lets just go for it. The other ending I hated... Oh i'm just going to say it. 
Harry Potter
Before I start let me just say I am the biggest Potter geek out there, I love it even though I have a few gripes. I'm pretty sure I could beat most people on Harry Potter trivia questions... Yes that is a challenge. 
I actually feel ill even talking about the end to be honest. Though it wasn't so much the ending I had a problem with, It was the epilogue that felt like it had been written in about five minutes whilst eating a pot noodle and watching Eastenders. I know we needed closure so that people didn't constantly ask for another book. However I really don't understand why it had to be so cheesy. So so cheesy.
Mmm Cheese.
I'm feeling anxious because I know what I need to quote in a minute to prove my point and it brings me out in a cold sweat. Before we get there though lets look at this 
  1. Ron looks awful, he needs to stop eating pies and play more quidditch.
  2. Harry looks like Benjamin Button.
  3. Hermionie looks exactly the same.
  4. Ginny just looks weird.

Why is Malfoy now about 103 years old?
Now to what is the worst line in all of the history of the world. 
Wait I just need to find a happy place before I actually can bring myself to write it down... 

"Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I ever knew."

This made me want to hit Harry in the face. Why has he called one of his children Albus Severus and the other ones Lily and James?! Oh that's so fair if he ever wants to go out into the non magical world. My other point is yes Snape was brave but he did make Harry's life a bloody nightmare. Lastly there are a million ways to say this that are less cheesy, something like "The sorting hat lets you choose" would have done me just fine. 

Sidenote. If for some unfortunate reason either of the authors read this, let me just say I really loved your books! A lot. just not the last few pages! Erm.. please don't hate me? 


Monday, 23 April 2012

Monday Madness

Well hello! 
What shall we talk about today? Well let me start off by saying that as previously stated I don't approve of miniature food I do approve of miniature toiletries. So whilst shopping in Asda I saw this and felt an intense need to share it with you. 
I strongly feel it should be called
Tiny... Yet Awesome.
Do you know how strange you look taking photos of stuff in supermarkets. Weird. Really weird. If you have no idea what this is about you may want to click here to find out!  

So have you ever been somewhere and two people are hysterically laughing, suddenly all your confidence is gone and you are 100% sure that you have either got food on your face or something stuck to your back/bum? Well I have, all the time. But not today, today I was the one who was making people paranoid, the worst part? It was in the gym. 
Because you don't feel stupid enough when you are in the gym, I managed to turn round mid laugh and look right at a girl on the treadmill! Girl if you are reading this by some crazy coincidence I swear we weren't laughing at you! 
Let me set the scene for you, my mum and I were on the rowing machine... you know being proper serious rowers. 
Rowers are serious people
I managed to slip backwards on the seat slightly and suddenly I had visions of the seat shooting forward and me ending up somehow lying horizontal on the metal part of the rower still holding the hand part with my feet still strapped in. So naturally I said "Oh my god I just nearly fell off the seat then!" Now me and my mum don't have the best track record for holding in giggles. We have done things like this before, during Aquafit classes, films at the cinema and once in Greggs (we nearly got thrown out, but that's another blog).
I was always the kid getting told off in class for causing trouble aka laughing so much that everyone else got the giggles too. Anyway this giggling fit lasted for about five minutes it was loud and not pretty it also probably really improved our stomach muscles. We didn't get thrown out, just you know potentially scarred a girl for the rest of her life. I'm guessing the pointing didn't really help with that, I'm kidding!  
What can you do eh? 
I was born a fool. 

OH! in other news I carried out a little experiment when I got in, you know that Original Source shower gel that smells Amaazzinnngg
Obviously I know that you aren't supposed to eat it, or people would be lining their lemon meringue pies with it. I have always wondered though, if it tastes of lemons because it smells so deliciously lemony and guys guess what!!! 

It Doesn't. 
It tastes like salt. Really a lot like salt. 

Have a great night, 
