So yesterday I was sitting at home, bored bored bored and decided to send a slightly ambiguous text to a friend to put the feelers out and find out if she was free.. This is how that went...
Success, there is someone out there who is just as bored as me on this lovely sunny Saturday. Now I have plans in a few hours. Rather than get ready i'll just mess around on the computer until I realise that I now need to haul arse to get ready. Anyway haul arse I did, grabbed some sunglasses and my ipod and set off walking. Oh my lord was it cold out there. Damn sun tricked me. So I practically flew to the pub and on arrival obviously needed alcohol in order to warm myself up. It seems the best thing in this situation (4:30 in the afternoon) would be to share a bottle of wine, we both agreed.
Allow me to swiftly add here that this is not us, I just googled drunk girls. (some stuff on there is not pretty so i'd avoid it if i were you).
We ended up staying till after ten o'clock and basically managed to chat about everything and nothing the entire time. So needless to say today I am feeling slightly wobbly but surprisingly good for what we managed to consume.
I only realised I was drunk after purchasing the final bottle of wine and going into the toilets, one of which the floor was covered in sand?! Lesson for the day, you can drink WAY more when you are sitting down.
So this morning I woke up feeling like nnnyyyaaahhh and text my friend saying... well you might as well see for yourself.
This was the reply.
The text that followed explained this was a text she attempted to send me last night after getting in.
I think from this that we have all learned that you should Drink Responsibly and if you can't do that, just go to your local pub get a table, get a mate and get bladdered.
Happy Sunday
Peace Love and Wine x
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