Tuesday 8 May 2012

No Sleep For You!

I have a question for you today...

Why on earth would my brain want to keep me awake all night, knowing full well that I have to go to work today?

I didn't feel anxious or worried about being late or sleeping in. 
I wasn't worrying that the girl from The Ring was lurking on my bedroom floor. 
I just couldn't google her guys, she's a beast. 
Note: I will worry about her lurking on my floor tonight now. 

I wasn't worrying about the fact I have no idea what i'm doing at work.
Disclaimer: I don't do this at work. ha.
I also wasn't worrying about the fact the rain made it sound like the ark was en route. 
I friggin love Evan Almighty.

In fact I wasn't worrying at all, I was just awake, wide awake. More awake in fact than I normally feel though out most days. I tried everything to fall asleep but to no avail! Sleep did not find me until around Two am. Even when I wasn't working, come one o'clock I was catching Zzzs which just proves how much of a bugger last night was. 

The only thing that was going around my mind last night was... 
What would I do if I won the Euromillions Jackpot. 

Upon reflection for many many hours, I have decided I will win when it is a super roll over, so I have so much money I can sort everyone out and never have to worry about money again!

It's gonna be friggin mint. 
Actual Mint
Minty Fresh. 
Oh my word writing this has just reminded me that I once fell asleep in a media lesson at college with my head resting on a milkshake bottle. Woke up to find my friend across the room laughing at me but no one else had noticed. Now that my friends is called WINNING. 

Hands up who thinks I won't sleep tonight? 

I'll probably be too busy thinking of different varieties of Mint. 
P.S: If you don't already know, saying mint is kind of like saying awesome. I only learnt this when I moved up north!

Love you! 

Love, me

Twittah: @NatalieFurlong