Wednesday 9 May 2012

When Bikes Bite Back

Is there anything funnier than when you try to bounce something on the floor and rather than bounce up it sticks to the floor like glue? 


But its still bloody hilarious. There are no photos or videos that show this, so if you have no idea what i'm talking about then you just have to take my word for it. Mmkay?

So something I have only told one person thus far, is a really stupid thing I did a couple of years ago when I decided to cycle to my sisters school to pick her up. It's only about ten minutes away but she was only nine at the time and I was being the nice big sister. 

It was a lovely summers day, you know the kind where there is a light breeze, the sun shining down making everything just feel better. I got my bike out of the garage, now I have always loved riding a bike. As a child it was how I got everywhere, well it was how all kids got anywhere fast really! 
So there I was cycling along, wind in my hair feeling like a child again. It's actually quite surprising how fast you can go on a bike and you don't even have to put that much effort in really! Anyway I realise my turn is coming up and its going from an enclosed lane onto a residential street so there is a gate in the way (to slow cyclists down) but if you are careful and get the angle right you don't need to stop. Hang on I'll see if I can find a photo of one... 
very accurate diagram 
Ok, I couldn't find a photo of one so here is a birds eye view of the gate. The arrow signifies the angle I would need to cycle in at if I wanted not to get off my bike. At first I thought to myself... Don't be stupid just get off the bike and walk it through the gate. Then i'm not sure what happened but something inside me said... You can do it man, just go for it! Believe in yourself! So go for it I did, as the gate got nearer I knew I had done it perfectly and smirked inwardly to myself. Why did I ever doubt my skills... ?

Roughly 0.325 seconds later I was laying on the warm concrete. Gravel digging into my face and my hand trapped underneath my bike wondering what on gods good earth had just happened. 
Oh yeah, I thought I was ten and could fit through a ridiculous frigging gate not getting off my bike. So as I lay there with my face buried in the concrete with that oh so distinct taste of shame on my tongue I began to survey the situation. Miraculously somehow there was absolutely no one else on the street I was laying on and no one on the street I had just come from either. 

Naturally I did the most logical thing I could think of. Get up, limp over to my bike and cycle away at approx 1000 miles an hour. All the while shaking like an absolute lunatic... I then started laughing almost hysterically which obviously helped to paint a well balanced picture of me to anyone who might have been watching me from afar. 

I had come so close too, Guys I was only about a centimeter away from clearing it when the corner of my handle clipped the gate which sent the front wheel of my bike shooting round and sent me flying sideways onto the hard concrete floor. Just Awesome. 

Todays moral... Never underestimate the power of the gate. 

Love you, 

Love, Me. 

Twittah: @NatalieFurlong

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