Tuesday 10 April 2012

Colourful Cake!

When I was at university, my very good friend Ellie and I decided to find out what would happen if you bought a whole load of food coloring and actually put it inside cake mixture. Would the colour stay bright and vibrant or would it fade away during the baking. What if you split the mixture into two bowls and added a different colour into each and then marbled it. Well guys it worked, it worked a treat. Although our finished article was nowhere nearly as spectacular as this it will give you an idea of what we were looking at. 
Basically we made a red and green sheet cake but it was the most insanely vibrant colour that it looked like paint. I sadly no longer have the photos because... Well to be honest I never thought I would be writing a blog about it four years later! 
*insert facepalm here*
Moving on, We decided, being the intelligent and logical people that we are, the best thing to do would be to cover our cake in icing sugar mixed with food colouring. I have since learned you should add water and a drop of two of colouring. So there we were icing our lovely creation, and by icing I mean putting the icing onto my finger and eating it. When something truly strange happened. 
Roughly five minutes later we both found ourselves howling with laughter, sitting on the floor barely able to breathe with a pretty severe case of the shakes. What was going on?

Yep you guessed it, the only explanation... We had managed to ingest so many E numbers we had crossed over into hyperactivity/ Sugar overdose. This state lasted for about fifteen minutes, I'm not going to lie the first two or three minutes were truly hysterical. 
The ones which followed had me worried that my heart was about to explode. 

Take this as fair warning kids, your cake may look pretty if you add a million E numbers to it but  it can lead to collapsing on the floor (laughing), paranoia (that your heart will explode), stained worktops and in severe cases... a green face and teeth

Stay safe out there. 

I did try to recreate it using 'natural' food colouring but it made my cake the palest shade of green and the icing tasted vaguely of nettles. Urgh.

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