Tuesday 17 April 2012

Pain in the Gym

Today I finally, finally managed to go to the gym for an induction (hoorah)! I had anticipated some form of severe humiliation happening which was going to be the feature of this blog today... However it went surprisingly well except for two little things. 
Number One
The induction man took my blood pressure with one of those arm cuff things, oh we all know how this blog works now so here's a photo! 
Except his didn't have a little pump thing he just pressed a button and it did it automatically. Now I remember having had this done before that it gets really really tight... HOLY HELLFIRE I thought my arm was going to explode and not only did he do it once, he did it three times! It actually got to the point on the first one where I almost said this is seriously about to crush my arm off. I'm fully surprised that my blood pressure wasn't through the roof, mainly due to the fear the tight cuff of death struck into my heart. 
Much like the fear you would feel if this were you.  
Number Two
So I don't know about you but my relationship with headphones (or should I say earphones, which ever the small ones are that you put in your ear) has never been a particularly good one and this is for a few reasons. Firstly I always find them tangled in a horrific ball whenever I pull them out of a drawer, bag or even pocket so that ten minute walk where I was supposed to be listening to music to either cheer me up or chill me out is spent in frustration tackling this...
Feeling like this...
I know... the likeness is uncanny. 
Secondly I always manage to get the chord wrapped around something and then the earphones get unceremoniously ripped from my ears. This friends, is what happened to me at the gym today. Twice. Both times I was trying to adjust the bike seat and as I lent down the chord saw its opportunity and wrapped its self around the seat and as I stood... boom out of my ears they did spring. The first time I tried to be a good sport and chuckle, the second time I said "oh for F" Ahem remembered I was in a gym and stopped myself. 
I was feeling rage. 
And lastly, this one is really more of an argument with mp3 players in general but earphones transmit the sound so i'm just going to go with it. The moment when one song ends and you are eagerly awaiting the next thinking "Will shuffle finally read my mind and put *insert song* on next!?" and not only is it the song you least want to listen to but its one hundred million times louder than the song you just had on which usually makes me believe the earth has begun to explode and for a split second I almost just hit the floor.  
If you don't hit the floor, most likely you try to quickly extract your mp3 from wherever it is, thus catching the cord on something (probably your hand) and ripping it from your ears. See? Nobody wins. Ever.

On a lighter note just a quick thanks to everyone who takes time out of there day to read this! If you have clicked here from Facebook and like it feel free to either leave me a comment or a "like" on there or even below this post! Also should you be feeling generous you could click the share button on Facebook so that all your mates can read this... whatever this maybe! 

Love you all 

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