Wednesday 18 April 2012

Teenage Adventures

Tomorrow is a sad day, Clare who you may have seen featured in this blog a few times over the last few weeks is departing to go and live in paradise for a few months. I'm not kidding. I won't say where she is off to but when you Google it this picture comes up...
So when I say sad day, I say it in a purely selfish way. Anyway to mark this occasion I thought you guys might enjoy a little story from when we were seventeen/ eighteen. Does anyone out there remember this band? 
The Calling! Yay
If you don't then this will probably jog your memory...

Really skinny guy with a surprisingly deep voice. So Clare, Ellie and I being the wild teenagers we were boarded a train to Manchester to go and see them at a gig. We decided that it would be a super good idea to make a sign to take with us... Yep we were those fans. 
Guys i'm sorry to drag you into this humiliation. 
No i'm kidding, we were the fans that decided to take a massive bit of cardboard halfway across the country. It was decided that the best idea was to write a lyric on the sign so that we didn't appear to be like the above fans. Stop stalling Natalie. Ok here is the sign we made...
I've Pushed To Get Through The Crowds Of Twisted Souls
I was fixing Clare's Ipod the other day and she pulled it out, to be honest I had completely forgotten about it... Oh my god I have just remembered that on the train on the way to Manchester a man whacked me round the back of the head as he walked past, on purpose! Hahaaa. Bastard. 

There was going to be a funny photo of someone saying ouch here.
 Do not Google ouch nothing good will come of it 

Back to the gig, So there we were just you know, pushing to get through the crowds of twisted souls. What we hadn't really anticipated was the fact that our sign was only relevant for roughly 1.5 seconds of the entire gig so we had to hold it on the floor in front of us, all the while being jostled by all the fourteen year old children who had also gone to see them. As our moment approached I felt the tension rising, what if we did it at the wrong moment, what if we dropped it and missed the moment. Looking at Clare for the signal... Boom the sign was aloft at the exact right second. Guys, Alex Band the lead singer totally acknowledged us and it looked a bit like this.

Totally worth it. 
I haven't told you the best bit yet. The back of the sign, because we are awesome. 
As we were walking to the gig a nice young man shouted something about needing balls. delightful as ever. Here's the thing though, what are those golf sale signs about? There can't possibly be that many golf sales going on all the time! What is it code for? I just really want to know. 

Aside having to sprint through what felt like the entire of Manchester to get the last train home and almost dying of thirst all the way back on the train. A good time was had by all. 
Clare i'm gonna miss your face, (even though I hate it). 
Clare and cake

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