Sunday 29 April 2012

Petrichor - ically Speaking

Rainy Sundays if you are British are a very regular occasion, as an only child until I was fourteen most of mine were spent begging to have a friend over, or with my face pressed against the window longing for sunshine. It's ok, I was a bit of a weird child.
Then in university rain on a Sunday was suddenly a blessing, Hungover with absolutely no guilt at the fact you weren't going to leave the house... Except maybe in your pajamas with a coat on to go to the chippy. Before you judge me I went to university in Liverpool where it is absolutely acceptable to go out in your pajamas. Even if are going to Asda for a full on weekly shop (I never did this, no really I didn't). Right I just Googled Liverpool out in Pajamas and this came up...
Realistically a week wouldn't pass before you saw someone shopping in Pjs or with rollers in shopping in town. True. Fact. 
This is one of the photos that I took myself, It was out of my bedroom window on what was probably  a hungover *insert any weekday here*
Rainy Roofs! in My Photos by Natalie Furlong

So then when you leave university, the place where "I'm not going in today... Have you seen that rain?!" was a valid excuse for a day off. You finally manage to get yourself a job, and you live in a city with no car so public transport is a must. This is when rain becomes just a big massive bastard. It means working all day in trousers that have managed to suck up around four litres of dirty rain water and having hair that enjoys becoming uncontrollable due to any form of precipitation. 
My only advice for you on days like that are pretty much just give up. Just give up hope of looking vaguely attractive. When anyone asks just put on a blank expression and simply say "Rain" before walking away (to go and cry in the toilets).

Guess what though guys, rain isn't always bad. It makes things grow which is, you know, good. It means you get to stay inside and watch old films. It means you can watch people who are outside and laugh, but the unfortunate flip side of that is when you are outside you tend to develop paranoia. Rain also gives you an excellent excuse to bake that cake you have been meaning to make for the last three months. Again unfortunate flip side being, if you have a list of mundane activities that don't require leaving the house you kind of have to do them. 
The only way of getting out of said list of mundane activities is when you have a... Hangover... there are silver linings everywhere guys, you just need to find them. 
Another bonus of rain is the fact that if you have a blog then you have absolutely no excuse not to write on it (in it?!) even if the only thing you can think of to talk about is rain. 
Does this remind anyone else of salad fingers? oh god now i'm thinking about salad fingers. 
Because I love you all so much i'm not going to lie. I'm drinking wine. Mainly due to the fact that I am a glutton for punishment. See previous post " The Devils Drink". 

I almost forgot to say that my absolute favorite thing about rain is the smell the next day, and the name for this smell... Petrichor and the definition "The pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell

So now you get the title of this post. In hindsight this should have gone at the beginning of the post but i'm not changing it now. 

Love, Me. 


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