Sunday 22 April 2012

Tortilla Face

So today has been a bit of an average Sunday, got up and went to Asda to do some food shopping (why do people get so craaazy about shopping on a Sunday?!)
Then I came home and decided to make some coffee cupcakes (which I haven't yet iced, but here's a photo of the ones I made last time... you know just for effect.
I know right?!
Anyway guys, you know I can't lie to you. I feel I should tell you that I may have had some wines tonight so this blog isn't coming to you from a place of sobriety. It's coming to you from a place of love. My love for wine and most of all my love for you! 
So here's the thing right, the thing is this. Once you have eaten fajitas for dinner and you have a couple of left over tortilla (how do you spell that?!) wraps left, what do you do with them? Make a wrap for lunch tomorrow I hear you cry? No. No what you do is using your teeth you bite two holes for eyes and a hole for the mouth and place it over your face. A little bit like this. 
Check out the puff of hair at the side.
 Then what you do is creep upstairs holding it over your face like so...

And call your 12 year old sister out of her room just to see her reaction to it. She opened her door a bit and looked out because I called her. Rather than just letting her absorb what she was seeing I shouted RARRRGGHHHH then this happened...
Ok that's not my sister but that's what her face looked like, A few hours after the event I asked her to pose how she felt when she saw me and i'd say this is fairly accurate...
So basically she looked terrified and slammed the door in my face, then I collapsed on the floor laughing for about five minutes. I thought I should probably share this with you all in case you had a slightly stale wrap in your cupboard and a slightly evil need to scare people. Something I have always had in built in me.
Once I jumped out from behind the sofa when I was about ten years old at what I thought was my Mum, but actually turned out to be my seventy year old aunt... Who told me I could have made her drop dead of a heart attack. (It clearly never put me off though). 

Also you know your day is going to be a bit weird when in the morning you try and eat your cheerios with a fork. I swear, I took this photo mainly because I thought you guys would appreciate my stupidity. 

Anyway guys although today has been fairly uneventful, it has been funny. So cheers! 

Yeah Cheers!

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